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Strategies to research keywords on Google – Google Keyword Research Tool

Google is an excellent tool for researching keywords that will convert into business for your firm. Firstly, the Ad Words Keyword Planner is an amazing keyword tool for the same. Using the tool is amazingly simple for planning keywords.

As a marketer or business owner, you need to know what your target audience is looking for. So how do you understand the need from this simple keyword tool?

Strategy time:

First, understand that the keywords that have High Competition value are not by default the best keywords. The high search volume is a key deciding factor as to what will work and what wont.

Search Volume: Higher this range, more the people are searching for the keyword.

Competition: With the values high, medium and low, this is a very clear indicator of what is working for others and what are the most purchased keywords on google.

Highest Bid / Lowest Bid: These numbers tell you how much your competition is investing in these keywords.

The lowest bid will be a definitive indicator for how much the base price has risen due to bidding in the ads market.

The highest bidding amount can show multiple things: how much are people investing to outbid the competition, the general ticket size of the product they are selling, desire to outbid and hence possible advantage against competition.

How to apply:

The google keyword research tool is excellent for the what to do and why to do parts as follows:

Highest Bid + High Volume: Use these keywords to develop Search Engine Optimization around it. Write articles, publish E-Books and create general value for your customer using the combination of these two indicators.

Lowest Bid + High Volume: Create a landing page and optimize your ad campaign for these keywords. These are the still cheap and widely converting keywords you can use.

Year on Year Change: Use the keywords that have a good year on year change percentage to create future campaigns since these will possibly still be in trend on Google.

Google Ad Words has some really powerful tools that can be used to generate a great amount of business leads. Just know the logic, and this will help for years to come.